Our Business Response to the Coronavirus: (as of 11.19.2020)
We wanted to reach out to our customers during these unprecedented times to give you an update on our business functions and current response to the Coronavirus outbreak. We have also included some tips to help keep you healthy!
As of 11.9.2020, we are still open to the public via our brick & mortar store located at 93 S Main St., Ste B, Pleasant Grove, UT, and online as we feel customer access to purchasing soap and other basic hygiene products is a vital public service.
In accordance with the Utah Mask Mandate of 11.8.2020 we require all employees and patrons to wear a mask. If you do not have a mask you may shop with us online at www.Soaplicity.com or call us at 801-319-5900. We offer free limited local delivery, free in-store pick up (call us when you get here and we will bring it to your car), and excellent shipping rates.
We are continuing to monitor the situation daily and have adopted some protocols to increase sanitation in-store, continue to provide needed products such as soap and other basic necessities to our customers, and help promote calm and service in the community around us.
For those who are local:
- We have a free handwashing station with free soap nibs for handwashing with no purchase necessary.
- We have a free local delivery option on purchases of $30 or more for Pleasant Grove, Lindon, Cedar Hills, a part of Highland. Simply order online at www.Soaplicity.com, qualifying patron will be able to select Local Delivery and your order will be delivered to the address you specify between the hours of 5:30-7:30pm Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. We will leave it at your door and email you that it has been delivered.
- We maintain our Free In-Store Pick up shipping option.
- We clean all surfaces between customers and have increased equipment and employee sanitation measures and have asked employees who are feeling ill to remain home.
We still have supply lines that enable us to keep making and providing much-needed soap, deodorants, shampoo, and so forth, but we have noticed shortages of some containers and ingredients. We may experience SOLD OUT products in the coming weeks so please plan accordingly.
Please Note:
- Soap and water is your very best option for sanitation of your hands and body. Soap must always be your first choice, with hand sanitizer used only as a backup option. You can read why HERE. That being said, we are in the process of acquiring ingredients to make hand sanitizer and surface cleaner that will also include our Rogue Blend of essential oils. We will put out an email when those are ready (1-2 weeks, depending upon delivery of ingredients).
- Our soap needs 3 weeks to cure so we are going to be experiencing shortages of some soaps soon due to overwhelming demand. Measures are being explored to allow customers to order in advance, and once cured, the soap will be shipped. We will let you know when that is available. For now, you can call in and purchase in advance.
- If it becomes necessary, we will limit the number of products people are purchasing to ensure enough for those in need.
Things You Can Do:
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after you prepare food (our Kitchen & Garden Bar is excellent for this purpose), before and after you eat, or when you touch your hair or face. Make sure to scrub between your fingers and under your fingernails. You can even scratch a soap bar and then scrub the soap out to ensure you cleaned correctly.
- You may want to consider not wearing rings during this time as they can be a hiding ground for germs if not cleaned daily.
- Wash your hair daily with shampoo to keep it clean. This does not mean Dry Shampoo. Dry Shampoo does NOT clean your hair. It only soaks up oils. If you have longer hair, also keep it pulled back or up to reduce wanting to touch it and to keep it from acting like flypaper for particulates in the air.
- Make sure to use hand lotion. Frequent hand-washing like we are experiencing now can dry hands out considerably, often causing severely dry skin and cracking which leaves room for other problems like infections of all sorts. Use lotion to counteract these effects and keep your skin healthy. You can check out our Lotion Bars made specifically for this purpose.
- Stay home as much as you can but take a daily walk to get some fresh air and sunshine. It will help improve your mood.
- Start or keep using products that will help boost your immune system. This will be just as important as using soap and water!
We love our customers and are thinking of you constantly during this time. If you have any needs, questions, or suggestions we would love to hear them. Please contact us at support@mysoaplicity.com or call us at 801-319-5900.
Stay healthy,
Roshan Richards, Owner